The Venice Commitee

The Venice Committee of the Dante Alighieri Society aims at making the Italian language and culture known in the world and, in particular, among the foreigners who live and work in Italy: for this reason, the Committee organizes Italian language courses, at a cost for foreigners and free for immigrants. The Committeee has also organized courses for the immingrants’ children since 2003, also in collaboration with the Immigration Office of the Comune di Venezia.

The Committee is an official venue for the PLIDA exam, which certifies the level of knowledge of the Italian language, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; it is also the venue for the PLIDA Juniores exams, reserved to youngsters.

Moreover, the Committee organizes activities and events connected with the Italian language (study days and seminars on linguistics and language teaching), Italian literature (Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia readings), Italian culture, with particular attention to the Venice area (exhibitions, conferences, publications).


President:  Rosella Mamoli Zorzi
Vice presidentsFornasiero prof. Serena, Tamiozzo prof. Silvana

Public Relations: Mongiello prof. Maria Teresa

Secretary: Lanfranchi dott. Maria Enrica

Steering commitee:

Colummi prof. Marinella

Ellero dott. Diego

Semi dott. Maria Luisa

Zentilomo dott. Marco Antonio

Presidente del Gruppo Femminile: Pasquinucci dott. Mirella

Vice Presidente del Gruppo Femminile: Berti Venerando dott. Enrica

Tesoriere e revisore dei conti: Barison dott. Fabio



Main activities

  • Diffusion of the Italian language and culture
  • Italian language courses for foreigners
  • Free courses for immigrants


Other activities

  • Dante’s Divina Commedia readings, organized by Silvana Tamiozzo Goldman and Serena Fornasiero.
  • Giornata della Dante.
  • Dove ‘l si suona, a study day on the teaching of the Italian language, organized by Serena Fornasiero.